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History of the creation according to mythology Greek part I
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History of the creation according to mythology Greek part I

In the beginning it was the Chaos...
... opened space, substance rude and informs, to the wait of being organized, where if it found the principle of all the things.

Of the Chaos the Land appeared, infernais Love, Lands and the Night.

While Love, the form that takes in itself the elements of the aggregation and combination, puts order in the universe, Land generated of proper itself the Sky, mountains and the Sea.

The Night and the infernal Land had been joined to generate Day, to alternate itself with its mother, Night, of time in time; e Ether, the superior sky.

Land was married its son, Sky, and with it it had the Tits, gigantic beings; the 3 Hecatnquiros (I quote, Giges and Briareu), beings endowed with one hundred arms and fifty heads; the Ciclopes, "beings of an eye alone"; e some primordial deities.

The Sky and the Land
All day, during the night, the Sky covered the Land and it fecundava it of impious forces. Condemning its children to the life in the Land, Sky irou the Land that did not want such for its children badly and looked for new of its Tits children, Saturn - the Time, to help it to get rid it of Sky.

Saturn accepted the incumbency and the weapon offered for the mother, a scythe. During the night, when the Sky came to cover the Land, Saturn with an only blow, cut the testicules of the father and shot them it the sea.

Of the blood spilled on the Land, the Giants and the Frias, terrible goddesses of the revenge had been born, that to leave of this moment would not leave to pass unpunished crime some.

Distant, in the sea, to the few a foam goes forming itself, that is born of the pulled out Sky agencies. E of this foam sprouts the Venus, sweet most beautiful amongst the goddesses, emerging of waters, supported in a shell of madreprola.

With the put down father, Saturn assumes the position of command between the Deuses.

The Saturn domain...
Married with Cibele, Saturn saw of front with a terrible prophecy made for its mother Land: its children would go to grow and to take off it of the power. How to prevent that such terrible prophecy if fulfilled?

After many plans, the reply: Saturn ran until Cibele that finishes to have its first son, and devorou it... was initiated a bloody routine.

Cibele lived unhappy, and looked the wise Land to know as to save its son sheltered in its womb. Helped for the Land, Cibele traced a plan: when arriving the moment of the childbirth, directed it to a cave in the island of Crete where Land waited it and there Jupiter came to the world.

While Land took care of of the God boy, Cibele apanhou a rock, involved it in thick bands and delivered it Saturn to it that devorou without perceiving it the hoax. Its son would be saved, but the prophecy was stamped: one day, the last Saturn son would lock up its reign of blood and would install itself forever in the olmpico throne.

The Jupiter ascension
Soon it was the Saturn deceit, that soon left the search the son for all the universe.

"Nor in the sky, nor on the land, nor in the sea" it would have to find it therefore in the dense forests of Crete the ramagens and rumors hid the Jupiter boy.

Perhaps but what the eyes did not find, the ears came to discover, in cry it of the child, therefore the Amaltia nymph called the Curetes, warrior-priests of the Cibele mother and asked for to them for, to the foot of the tree, to sing vibrant hymns.

Jupiter was fed with milk of goat AIX that was a so ugly creature that the Tits, in other times, had supplicated to the Land that locked up it in a distant cave of its looks. Of this form the goat was to have to the island of Crete and gains the privilege of aleitar a god.

Thus Jupiter grew that later, taking the echoes of the cnticos and preces of the old friends, left to fight the father and to assenhorar themselves of the domain of the land and the sky. Of the skin of Aix, Jupiter made for itself an impenetrable harness, gide, and of one of its horns, it made the Cornucpia.

Jupiter takes the Olimpo
Prudence prepared to Jupiter a miraculosa beberagem: so soon it arrived the Saturn viscera, would provoke such convulsion there that the voracious father if would see to return the engolidos children. Therefore inside of it they were all livings creature, grown and adult.

Taking the precious bottle, Jupiter was acercou of the father and compelled it to swallow it the magician drunk. E everything happened as it says Prudence: Saturn restituted to the light the creatures that had engolido in other times: the blond Ceres, impetuous Neptune, the chaste Vesta, taciturno Pluto. But Juno was not there, therefore, as Jupiter, also is saved.

To guarantee the victory, Jupiter went down to the hells and freed the Ciclopes, forjadores of weapons, and the Hecatnquiros; monsters that Saturn, in its yields of being able, had sent for the deepenings of the hell.

The Ciclopes had made weapons: the magical helmet for Pluto, tridente for Neptune and the Ray for Jupiter. The Battle was Long and Arduous. Ten years if had passed between the first combats and the glorious triumph. Saturn and the Tits, its allies, loosers for the brothers, had been confined to the hells under monitoring of the monsters. In conference, the winners had congregated themselves and divided the domain of the world between itself: The seas for Neptune, Pluto assumed the kingdom of deceased, and Jupiter went up to the Olimpo stops to command, highest and absolute there, the land and the sky, the men and all the too much Deuses.

The disastrous experiences of the loosers must have been enough withhold the Typhoon pretensions - ambitious for the power - and its Alodas brothers - burning hotly gotten passionate by the Goddesses Juno and Diana. Each one, for its turn, invested the Olimpo. Each one, in turn, was arrasado by the God.

The Peace reigned then, Jupiter firmed for all the eternity as supreme king, ahead of which all the voices divine human beings and if were silent, with respect and obedience.

part II

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