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The Stars of the Belly Dance / History of the Belly Dance


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Fifi Abdou - from website


History of Belyy Dance.
Also known as it dances of the Sun or of the Ra God, the belly dance appeared has five a thousand years more than. It is associated with the rituals of fertility and cults the carried through sis Goddess in old Egypt. According to symbology of the Cosmos, the discovered belly dancers, in special umbigo, caught during the dance the energy of the Ra God who was represented for the solar record. Considered sacred, the dance passed to be executed not alone in the temples for the priestesses but in the palaces, becoming popular itself, after that, for the streets and markets. The frequent invasions to Egypt had finished for spreading out the dance of the womb between Arab Romans, Greeks, hititas, Turks, Moroccans and peoples that practised it as entertainment for Sultes and in rituals of marriage. They had been the Arabs, as travelling, the biggest divulgadores of Belly Dana in the Ocidente. Currently, it is present in the parties, marriages, nocturnal houses being executed professionally or informally for Arab women in familiar events. The dance of the womb has its origins probably in all the Mediterranean region and African north. We can affirm this in accordance with the great number of historical evidences collected in hollowings and old constructions. The first figure that can be compared with Belly Dana, is a dated rupestre painting of 6000 before Christ, found in a cave in Tassili n'Ajjer, in Algeria (North of Africa). It was a feminine cult strict for the Goddess Mother. In 4000 before Christ the figures had appeared of Naqada (in Egypt) as vocs can see are pretty and clear evidences of the eastern dance, in the direction of worship to the sun and cult to the fertility. For Return of 1400 before Christ, some evidences if detach, in Greece, Italy and Egypt. In Egypt ritual dances to move away to bad espiritos with punhais and pandeiros, religious dances funerals, dances and artistic dances, including the picture alive they were more destacadas. To see if that after certain time, basically ritualsticas dances pass for a process of reformularization and modulation for the intention of public presentations. The biggest evidence of eastern dances in Greece, Turkey and Italy is also of ritual character, mainly including rites cyclical, that represented a ticket of a state to the other in the life of the participants. Marriage, menarca (first menstruation), childbirth and death were without a doubt the preferred occasions to dance, since it is of these events that we have registers. This figure was found in a palace in the Pompeia (Italy) in 50 before Christ. But it was in 1300 after Christ with the Arab invasion to Egypt, that this dance if mesclou and gained the festive character of today, losing part of its sacred skill and ritualistico and gaining the connotation and espontnea.A glad it dances Egyptian, the Greek and Italian as Irena Lexova (author of Ancient Egyptian you dance) it did not contain brusque and straight movements, only being fluid and softly sequential. (As the Tsiftetelli, it can be said), and the part solar, masculine and Brusque would have been introduced in the dance for the Arabs and its folklore, why these movements alone appeared in pictures of the Arab dances and Etruscas.Compara-if to the Tsiftetelli (rhythm of the dance of it blows Greek and Turk), why this is not brusque as the Baladi (Rhythm of the dance of the Arab womb). The dance of the womb now changed of some forms the Raks el Sharki, Baladi or dance of the east was also part of the life of the Arab peoples, spread in the tribes of Bedouins, was walking and evolving for all the east and south of the Europa.Dois types of dancer they had been being separate, the Almees and the Ghawazi. The Almees were studied women, poetizas, singers, and artists, danced for the art and of ritual form. Already the Ghawazi, Ciganas in Portuguese, spread the dance in the commerce and lived to dance. Some Ghawazi if prostituiam, but despite this the great predecessors of the gypsy dance had been these, of the Andalusian dances, Sevillanas and of the Flamenco as andarilhas that they were.
They had where taken the belly dance to Andalusia this if it established and if it differentiated since then in 900 years of Mouro domain and. Thus that both the personalities had been responsible for the dissemination and enrichment of the dance of the modern womb. The dancers danced with diverse instruments, and these dances had impressed the European army of Napoleo and artists who had mainly portraied it during periodo between 1700 and 1900. Therefore phase had decided to take dancers egpcias(gawazi is clearly) for a great exposition in Paris Nesta gains the name "Danse du womb" and the style of clothes that we use currently with lantejoulas, paetes and micangas (Cabaret style) Therefore the dance of the modern womb has one what! of Parisienne. What in it fits them, as shalomes modern is to spread this dance without vulgarizing the same one and of form to not only spread the plastic beauty, but also the essential beauty of the dance, loading with love at each moment... mainly while we dance.

Badia Masabni - from



Tummy Trouble in Cairo - by John Daniszewski


Naima Akef: premiere star of the musical comedie of the Egyptian cinema - by Megda Maurice


Mona el Saaid - from website


Nagwa Fouad: Egypt's bellydancing legend
Nagwa Fouad: hours of glory - profile by Soheir Sami
Nagwa Fouad: queen of belly dance - video clips


Making the Body Sing: Suhair Zaki may have retired, but she hasn't lost her aura of glamour - from the Cairo Times
Soheir Zaki - profile from Belly Dance Museum


Samia Gamal - from belly dance museum website
Samia Gamal - from website




Farewell to Tahia - by Edward Said
In Loving Memory of my Idol, Tahia Karyooka - from Jodette's page
Queen of the Cabaret - from the Cairo Times
Taheya Carioca - from belly dance museum website
The Complex of Tahiya Carioca - from The Palace