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History of the creation according to mythology Greek part I
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part IV

Love and Soul
Nobody more visited to the temples of Venus, Goddess of the Beauty - on the contrary of this, all dirigem it the formosura of a simple mortal: the princess Soul.

Enciumada, Venus is gotten angry and sent Love to avenge itself: it would have, with its arrows, to make Soul to get passionate itself for the ugly creature most worthless and of the world. But its plan failed, therefore Love was gotten passionate as if reached for one of its arrows when seeing Soul - in a passion act, Love comes back to Venus and has lain, saying that it was free of the rival.

E the time passes... the princess loved for the Love, it is not gotten passionate for nobody, and it sees all its sisters to marry.

Worried about the solitude of the son, the parents of Soul dirigem it the oracle of Apolo to know what to make, but this already had been looked for for Love, that makes of it ally. The oracle commands the parents of Soul who dressed it in npciais suits and they took it to the high one of a determined hill, that a direful winged serpent, stronger than deuses, would go to become it its woman.

The parents leave, saddened of such destination, the beautiful Soul in the hill. The time passes and nothing it appears then Soul adormece. Only then Zephyr, the wind of the West, blows soft breeze that takes the princess for a beautiful plain covered of flowers, where close runs clear waters of one sells at retail, and more ahead, a magnificent castle is risen.

When waking up, magic with the flaring scene, Soul hears a voice that invites it to enter in the castle. It does not find nobody in the castle and, during the supper, a musica candy involves it. To the dusk, protected for the blackout, Love is come close and Soul, fearing to be the serpent mentioned for Apolo, calms it hearing the gotten passionate words and the burning hot caricias of the god.

After some time, Soul already delivered the loving one, Love the order of the beautiful princess brings the envious sisters of Soul who suffers from homesicknesses. When going even so, its sisters arquitetam a devilish plan.

Soul had jury to the Love that never would try to see the face of the loved one, in the following visit of its sisters, them convinces soul, through a night light, to see the loved face of therefore who could know that occulted for the blackout was not the serpent, in the other hand the sisters give to a punhal for the case of being the serpent it to it to be able to kill it.

To night, after the caresses of Love, this adormece in dark and the Soul is come close with the night light. When seeing the beauty of the loved one neglects and allows that a hot oil drop falls in the shoulder of the loved one that it wakes up and it perceives the occurrence... Already in the door, one turns over and Soul hears the candy voice with hurt censorship: "the love does not live without confidence".

In the Olimpo, Love counts everything to furious Venus. While this, Soul initiates a search for the world all to find its love lost, and after consulting several deuses that, fearing the anger of Venus, they do not help it, dirige it the proper goddess where it found only jeering and imposition of humilhantes tests:

1. Venus orders it to go in the forests to search a small pile of all the there existing grains. The pparently impossible task is made by Soul through the aid of the ants.
2. Venus orders it to sleep in the relento with the meal of only one cdea of hard bread thus intending to finish with the beauty of Soul.
3. Venus orders it to go to shear the gold wool of sheep close to certain sells at retail, again with the aid of a voice that explains to it as to make it ("It waits the sheep to leave the prickly shrubs to drink water and catches the wool left in the thorns") Soul it fulfills the mission.
4. Venus orders it to go to catch the dark water of the top of a pedregosa waterfall, with the aid of an eagle that catches the bucket of its hands and later it brings it with the dark water, Soul fulfills the mission.
5. Venus orders it to go to search beauty with Prosrpina (goddess of the hells). With the aid of a tower that it indicates to it the way of the hell and gives instructions to it of as to pass for the boatman (Charon - that it must be paid) and the Crbero dog (Soul takes a delicious cake to calm the animal), Soul fulfills the mission.

During the fifth mission, Soul decides to open the box of the beauty to catch a little for itself, believing that the imposed tests it would have made its beauty to finish. Love leaves the castle of cured Venus already of the burning and finds Soul asleep and it astonished Soul wakes up, makes what Love says: "it goes, it delivers the box to Venus, and comes back".

While this Love goes until Jupiter and the Soul for the marriage asks for for uniz it it to it. Accepted Jupiter and orders Mercury to search Soul that when arriving receives the ambrosia that becomes it immortal and thus the eternity with its loved Love is joined for all. Of this union Volpia would be born.

Vulcano and Tifo
Jupiter, with its loving, generates diverse Deuses and Semi-Deuses - all beauties, intelligent and loved. Juno, faithful Jupiter wife, also wanted such destination for its children with it.

The last son of Jupiter and Juno, Vulcano, is finally born, but the child did not have nothing of beauty, was disforme, ugly and lame, she did not cheer the heart to it. Ashamed, Juno grasped the boy and, of the high one of the Olimpo, the sea shot it it.

The deep one of the sea, the nereida Ttis and its Eurnome friend capsize when the small body dived. They had run for apanha it. With I separate affection they had taken it for a cave and there they had taken care of of the ugly boy as if they were really its mother. During nine Vulcano years it lived in so loving company. Later it left, to follow its destination of ugly god and solitary, adept craftsman of metals, gentleman of the fire and of it forges.

Irada with the son, Juno passed days and nights requesting to the Land and the Sky for a son. As much requested that Land decided to give a son to it and, making the world to estremecer, engravidou the Goddess of the Olimpo.

Months of overwhelming wait if had passed, but new disillusionment was the birth: The result nor if resembled a God, nor to a mortal. It was a monster, dangerous serpent to vomit fire: Typhoon, that later almost defeated Jupiter in gigantic combat (to see dictionary).

according to Hesodo poet, Vulcano yes that it was generated alone by Juno, but the version of Homero (cited above) more is spread out


It was better to run away that to yield. E Prudence, ran away in all the directions. It was hidden. It was put on a mask with good and bad disguises: the passion without Jupiter allegiance did not agree it.

Jupiter pursued it and alone it rested when finally it found it. Although its changed aspect, recognized it. The past was forgotten. They are landed on water.

When the son was for coming Jupiter consulted the oracle of the Land. A son would be born, was the reply, but the next descendant in Prudence would be man and destronaria the father.

To defend the threatened power, Jupiter invited the loving one for the stream bed and, when it had it in its arms engoliu it. Little time later, walked for the edges of the Tritnis lake, when suddenly a insuportvel pain withheld it the steps. The head latejava and ardia. The shouts of the gentleman of the Olimpo had shaken the land and had attracted deuses.

To pressas, Mercury called Vulcano, the blacksmith the holy ghost, that, vibrating in air the gold axe, with all the force hit the Jupiter skull. Of the open wound a gorgeous woman appeared, dressed in brilliant armor. In the head, she exhibited the gold helmet; in the hands, the shield and the spear. The lake blew up in waves. The sky flashed. The Sun held the brakes of its corcis, to give ticket the welcome one. The immortal ones of the Olimpo had risen of surprise and respect. E the Jupiter heart did not fit in itself of contentment. The Press, wisest of the goddesses was born then.