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History of the creation according to mythology Greek part I
part II
part III
part IV
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part III

Pluto was come across, in one of its rare trips to the surface of the land, with the luminous formosura of Proserpina, and of it it enamored. But, as the young did not correspond to it to the affection, to make it its wife the god abducted it.

Ceres, mother of Proserpina and Deusa of the harvest and the land, were saddened and the land passed moments of hunger and misery. Jupiter then interviu and ordered Iris, of gold wing, to the meeting of Ceres and it asked for to it that it fertilizasse the ground, only received a refusal.

Then Jupiter ordered that Pluto freed Proserpina and thus Pluto made, but moments before the departure of the loved one, Pluto offered a fruit that Prosrpina accepted. When arriving in the Ceres land it made the land to fertilizar itself and the fields to appear but when knowing that its son had eaten a fruit of the hells saddened, therefore all that eat something it kingdom died them have that to pass one there tero of the life. Then, always that Prosrpina comes back toward the kingdom of Pluto its mother collects it the homesickness and the fields are emptied of plants.

Its sojourn in the Hell represents the Winter, when Ceres refuses it to fertilizar the ground; its return to the land represents the Spring, when Ceres, happy in reviewing it, brings the fertility to the land.

Apolo and Diana

Days and nights, months and months, an only search. Of door in door: of the palaces to the huts, of the temples to the lairs, Latona it walked searching shelter to put in the world the children who led inside of itself. Jupiter children.

But the proper paternity of its children barred the entrances to it. Therefore Jupiter, gentleman of the Olimpo, was husband of the Juno, jalousie of the Goddesses, who costumava to pursue the rivals until the confines of the land, and punished who hardly dared to collect them. But immortal of equal ones being able clera would be capable to face its.

Neptune, God of the seas, decided to help the Latona poor person. For he takes refuge it, he chose Ortgia, the floating island, arisco rochedo without razes, rough landscape unprovided of plants and sources. Nobody inhabited it: nor deuses, nor men, nor animal.

The island had fear. It hears to say that one of the children of the god would be proud and tremble with anger when it knew that so needy place serves to it of native land. Latona tranquilized it. Nothing it feared: the new God would not bring it disaster, and yes prosperity and joy. Then the island assented.

In the sixth day of the month, Diana was born. The "pudica virgin". In Seventh, Apolo. In this instant, the ground barren of Ortgia blossomed. Because Apolo brought I obtain the sun, the life and the beauty. From this day the island passed to be called Delos, "the brilliant".

So soon it could, Diana it looked its great father, the king of the Olimpo, and requested not jewels to it, nor adornments, nor attractive, but short tnica that could cover its body esbelto, shoes of hunter, quiver, arrows and arc. E more: it wanted the perpetual virginity, abundance of names and a huge sqito of Ocenidas and nymphs.

E finally: "It delivers mountains to me... I will inhabit mountains", said. Jupiter smiled, acariciou the son. It was to the Ciclopes and it asked for weapons to them; to the P god matilha of dogs requested one that would follow it in the hunted ones. In everything it was taken care of and it started to reign in the beautiful highland of the Arcadia, where if it delivered to the hunting, its favourite activity.

When the things it seemed monotonous, followed for Delfos. In the dwelling of Apolo, it participated of the choir of the Favours and of the Muses, it was had fun.

Goddess of the Rainbow, is, as Mercury, a messenger Goddess. It serves to the Olimpo, sending and bringing the messages of the deities, mainly Jupiter and the Juno.

Sight as beautiful winged woman, generally together to the Juno, of who is in service, insider and emissary, has the property of, when in the front of the sun, to shine all the colors of the rainbow.

The Winds

olo - God of the Winds

It has panic and suffering in the sea and the Land. The nature is tormented. E the creature human being lives, impotent, its tragedy, against which nothing efforts or preces can.

The causers of the disasters are the Winds. King does not have law nor. They transform air into perpetual anarchy. They fight between itself. Provoking hurricanes and storms.

She is necessary to dominate these forces. To organize them. Aplacar them. For this, the Jupiter, most powerful of deuses, locks up the Winds in a cave and on it it accumulates mountains and rochedos. Later it asks for the olo, son of Netuno and Arne who watches the prisoners.

Thus, olo becomes the king of the Winds. Of the high one of mountains it hears the subjects to roar, despaired, clamando for the lost freedom. Nights and days, the aflito outcry aches to them in the ears. But it does not have compassion. Under Jupiter orders the winds only can be freed on the Land.

The 4 main winds are children of Astreu and Aurora: Breas (or Setentrio), Zephyr (or Favnio), Euro (or Vulturno) and I notice (or South wind).

Breas - Wind of the North: Rigorous cold and;
Zephyr - Wind of the West: Impetuous and funesto, provoking storms;
Euro - southwestern Wind;
I notice - Wind of the south.

The Hells

Kingdom of Pluto and Prosrpina, the hells are the places for where the souls if directed after deceased.

They are bathed by five rivers: Aqueronte, Cocito, Flegetone, Lete and Estige.

To reach the hells, the soul had that to cross the Aqueronte, in the bark of Charon. Souls deceased were accepted in the bark, and only had that to pay. Who could not pay, would be per 100 years in the edge of the river.

After to cross the river, reached the doors of the Interns, where the Crbero dog, of 3 heads and tail of dragon, hindered that any soul deceased left or any alive soul entered.

A time judged by Pluto and its three acessores: Minos, aco and Radamanto; the souls could be sent to the Tartar, the Elsios Fields or the island of Bem-Aventurados.

The Tartar, surrounded for a triple wall of bronze and the river Flegetone, was destined to the criminal souls, that would pass the remaining portion of its eternity in penance there.

The Elsios Fields were the wonderful place for where the good souls would go to pass its eternity, while that the Island of the Fortunate ones was destined to the great heroes.

part IV